dotPhoto FAQs: how to do almost anything at dotPhoto
These frequently asked questions provide information about dotPhoto's most commonly used functions
- How can I make a calendar?
- Does my calendar have to start in January? No. It can start in any month.
- How can I add birthdays and other events to a calendar?
- How does the My Albums page work?
- How does the thumbnail page work? How do I view photos?
- dotPhoto Press
- How do I contact the dotPhoto Book Design Service?
- How do I re-arrange photos in an album? How does Sort Album work?
- How can I soft proof my images using an ICC profile for dotPhoto?
- What if my SD Card does not work?
- How do I order a photo cutout? (Custom acrylic cutouts that stand up.)
- How can I upload photos from my camera phone to dotPhoto?
- How can I share my dotphoto albums to my website?
- How do I use a promo code in my dotPhoto cart? Why doesn't my promo code work?
- How do I order same-day prints to pick up at my local drugstore?
- How can I copy or move photos between albums?
- How do I add text to a card?
- How do I order a book from a professional photographer?
- Does dotPhoto accept credit cards, debit cards, and checks? How can I pay for my order?
- What should we do with our dotPhoto account in the event of divorce or legal dispute?
- How do I keep my account private? What is the guest password?
- How can I recreate a guest order (order a duplicate of a guest order)?
- What is the largest image that dotphoto stores?
- What happened to Eurobooks?
- How can I change colors in My Web Site? Change font colors?
- How can I update and use my stored credit card?
- What happened to the dotPhoto Classic Site?
- How can I get my photo on the front of dotPhoto?
- What is the resolution of photos for iPad cases?
- How do I modify or cancel my dotPhoto Membership Plan?