dotPhoto FAQs: how to do almost anything at dotPhoto
These frequently asked questions provide information about dotPhoto's most commonly used functions
- How much do dotphoto books cost?
- How can I download photos from Verizon Wireless?
- How can I make a Backup Book?
- How much is shipping when an order is less than $10?
- How can I verify a shipping address?
- Why aren't all my photos from my album going into my cart?
- How can I print images from a video?
- How can I tell if my print credits are being applied in my cart? How many print credits do I have?
- How can I make an album cover for a dotphoto album?
- How can I calibrate my screen colors with dotphoto printers?
- How can I share and organize my photos at dotphoto?
- Why can't I order more than one project? How can I order more than one?
- How do I buy downloads as a guest?
- dotPhoto Pros: Can I sell downloads of my images? Where are my digital downloads?
- Why can't I buy downloads of original images?
- How can I download pictures as a guest? Why is the word "Proof" on the photos?
- Can dotphoto upload Apple HEIC (HEIF) files?
- I can't see some dotphoto features in my browser. What can I do?
- How do I change the dotphoto to my company's logo?
- How can I change an album or sub-album name?
- Where are my Android photos?
- How can I add comments to my albums?
- How can I set up coupons for customers of my pro account?
- How can I straighten or slightly turn a photo?
- old dotphoto book info
- How can I sell pre-built dotphoto products on my web site or in tweets and emails?
- How can I copy a photo from my iPhone screen?
- How can I add a margin to my photo? Edit my photo to enlarge the canvas?
- How to share dotphoto photo books
- How to sell pre-built photo books on dotphoto