How can I set up a Pro Download Account?
A Pro Download account is a special dotphoto account that enables a professional photographer to share up to 5000 album downloads with their customers. It includes all the benefits of a dotphoto Club account. Pro Download accounts can be arranged through dotphoto Customer Service.
How to Manage a Pro Download Account
- Apply a Guest Password to every album.
- To allow a subject to download their photos from their own album in your account, provide them with the guest password to their album and your account name. For instance, Account Name: ATLphotos and Guest Password: 4045551324 (A telephone number can be a good guest password because it is unique and easy for your customers to remember.)
- Your guests will see only their album provided that you have unique guest passwords on every album.
- If an album has NO guest password, all guests will see that album in addition to their own album. This can be helpful if you want to share sample photos or a portfolio with everyone who downloads.
- If several albums have the SAME password, guests with that password will see ALL the albums with that password. This can be helpful for family members or parties.
How to set up an album password
1. Enter the album.
2. Choose Organize
3. Choose Album Settings
4. Add a password and tap the green Save button.
How to Download from a Pro Download Account
This FAQ link will explain to your customers how to download their photos from your dotphoto account:
dotPhoto FAQs: how to do almost anything at dotPhoto