100% Satisfaction or Your Money Back Guarantee for New Club Members

Thank you for choosing dotPhoto, the wholesale club for printing, saving, sharing and selling your photos.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Policy

If a new dotPhoto Club Member is not satisfied with the dotPhoto Club Plan, notify us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund of $19.99.

To submit a refund request online, please email us at satisfactionguaranteed@dotphoto.com with the reason you are dissatisified, your name, your dotPhoto login, your payment type, the last four numbers of the credit card that you used, and the date that you joined. You can also mail your refund request to dotPhoto, ATTN: Satisfaction Guaranteed, Box 92, Titusville, NJ 08560. Please include your name, your dotPhoto login, your payment type, the last four numbers of the credit card that you used, and the date that you joined.


  • Applies only to new Club members. If you have used the Club Plan or another dotPhoto Plan in the past, this guarantee does not apply.
  • Applies only to the dotPhoto Club Plan -- does not apply to prints or other purchases. Please contact customer service if you have a quality issue with an order.
  • Does not apply to purchases made through a third party or Trial Pay.
  • Applies only to purchases of the dotPhoto Club Plan made on dotphoto.com You must notify dotPhoto by email with 30 days, or, if mailed, the postmark must be within 30 days of joining.
  • Refunds can only be made to the credit card that was used to make the purchase.
  • Only one refund per person, household or IP address.
  • Does not apply to accounts created for legally mandated transfer of photos.
  • Exercising the refund indicates that you are closing the account and no longer wish to store photos on dotPhoto.

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