How can I share dotphoto slideshows from my phone to my TV?

How can I share dotphoto slideshows from my phone to myTV
From dotphoto servers to your phone to your TV

Dotphoto is designed to run in the browser on your phone. Simply run, and start the slideshow by tapping on a photo and then tapping on the slideshow icon:

Android phones can show and dotPhoto slideshows on Miracast-compatible televisions. In our demonstration, we use a 50" Sharp Aquos TV. To activate Miracast, choose the Input button on the TV's remote control, and scroll down to Miracast.

On your phone, install the Miracast short cut from Google Play.  When your TV is set to the Miracast input, activate the Miracast short cut on your phone, which broadcasts to your TV.

Compatible Miracast TVs

If your TV is not Miracast-compatible, you can use Miradisplay dongles like this one available from Amazon for about $20:
Dongles plug into an extra video port and often include a USB plug that pulls power to run the dongle.

iPhones and Apple Devices

OS X and iOS do not support Miracast, opting instead for Apple's own AirPlay technology for screen mirroring. AirPlay is compatible with Apple's second- and third-generation Apple TVs. On a hardware level, the majority of devices produced support Miracast.

This video describes how to  screen-mirror with an iPhone.

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