Wrapped Canvas

Premium Wrapped Canvas

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There's no place like your home! Create a gorgeous gallery on any wall with photo wrapped canvas stretched over an internal frame that hangs easily on your walls.

From your wedding day to your child's ballet recital, capture your favorite moments on gorgeous wrapped canvas prints. Your pictures are printed on premium quality canvas and laminated to seal their beauty for life. Canvas prints are stretched and wrapped over sturdy pro bars, and stapled into place. Flawlessly printed, perfectly wrapped canvas prints are packed with care in cardboard braces, and arrive ready to make a splash on your walls. Great for decorating your new home or sprucing up your existing one.

  • Photo printed on archival quality canvas
  • Laminated Canvas print stretched and hand mounted over thick 3/4 inch sturdy pro bars
  • 'Gallery' art appearance
  • Ready to hang
  • Sizes: 8x10 to 24x36 (plus 11x14, 12x18, 16x20 and 20x30--Square: 20x20)
  • Custom sizes up to 42"x42"; Choose .75" or 1.5" thick bars or Museum, Gallery or Framed Canvas

    More on Custom Wrapped Canvases in Any Size or Shape up to 42"

  • Optimal Resolution: 2400 x 3000 to 6000 x 6000

Choose a simple multi-photo layout

Or add as many photos as you like
(Drag photo over, re-size them, and place them where you like.)Add as many photos as you like
Choose layouts

Choose backgrounds

Don't forget the wrap!

The four sides show the panels that wrap around the sides of the canvas frame. Leave about 0.75" on each side to wrap around the pro bars.

Printing Tips

  • Use the dotphoto editing tool to add frames, text, effects, drawings, and stickers, and to crop precisely before printing.
  • The "photo wrap" wraps 0" of the photo around the side and another 7/8" on the back of the frame.
  • Be careful not to wrap a person's head around the side. Use dotphoto's WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor to see the wrapped sides before you print.

The dotphoto Frame Shop also offers larger sizes

Before going to the Frame Shop, choose a photo that you want to frame. Unless you choose a photo first, the custom frame shop has nothing to work with. Choose a photo by entering any album, and tapping the Check Box under the picture you are choosing.

Print Merchandise - Free Shipping on Club Orders >$10