How can I find the price of a photo product without ordering it?
dotphoto Club Plan
Our popular Club Plan is only $1.67 per month billed once annually at $19.99
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dotphoto Product Pricing
dotPhoto offers hundreds of products, and many, such as frames, are priced as they are customized. We frequently add new ones and cull older ones, so our shop is our price list.
Items over $9.99 also include free economy shipping for dotPhoto members. When comparing prices between dotPhoto and other sites, consider our competition's substantial shipping costs.
It's a little like picking up a product on a retail shelf and looking at the price label: go to Shop in the menu bar, and choose the product from the shop. dotPhoto displays the prices of all the products in that category.
In the Shop, click on the product you want to see such as 12-month Calendar. An information page appears about the products including the price. If you are logged into dotPhoto, you would also see a green Create button to tap to begin creating the product.
Professional Pricing
Professional photographers and newspapers set their own prices for dotPhoto items. Professional photographers may not offer every item for sale; for instance, some pros prefer not to sell the original files of their photos as downloads. Free economy shipping is available on purchases from professional accounts for dotPhoto members who sign into their own accounts prior to purchasing pro photos.
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