How can I get the dotPhoto Mobile app for Android devices? How does it work? works great on your mobile devices.  We have discontinued apps because the web works better and faster (no apps to update and tweak!) Also, you don't have to pay a 30% premium to Apple and Google when you buy from dotphoto.

Why the Mobile Web is Replacing Apps
When the web first started, photos transferred very slowly at 300 bits per second. Today, the average speed of wireless 5G is is 50 megabits per second – so fast that many people are disconnecting their cable and fiber landlines. We no longer need apps as intermediary software to handle slow transfer rates. Everything can happen in the cloud.

dotphoto wins Best Photography Mobile Website
dotphoto’s responsive mobile display, convenient command structure, and comprehensive upload makes dotphoto work as well on mobile as on a desktop. No need to install and update apps!

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Android Phones: add dotphoto to your Android home screen

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