About dotPhoto

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dotPhoto was launched in 1999 to reinvent photography. Our vision has always been to enable our members to handle all their imaging in one place: print, create gifts, tell a story, share, build a photo web site, sell photos, host pictures, print books, store videos and more. One visitor to the dotPhoto forum commented,

Whoa... After a total of 48 hours' experience using your services, I can already tell you -- you have assembled quite a host of options. Still rather outlandish how much you've put together here. I'm enjoying the photo-sharing *and* communication capabilities. Thank you for your imagination and 'can-do' spirit!

dotPhoto.com was named the #1 Photo Sharing Site by TopTen Reviews in 2006 and 2007. The reviewer commented, “The only way to better experience a special event than through a dotPhoto Show, complete with photos, music and narration, is being there.” The dotPhoto Show is a browser-based tool, and you can share shows via email or plug them into your web sites.

Thousands of photographers use dotPhoto to sell their prints and photo merchandise; they take the photos and we put money in their bank accounts. They also use dotPhoto's free Photo Web Site feature to create their own photo presence, and the dotPhoto Show to present their work.

Recently, dotPhoto announced its support of the Eye-Fi card, a memory card with a built-in WiFi transmitter that enables our customers to effortlessly send photos directly to dotPhoto.com. We also introduced dotPhotoGo by Noromis, a free software download that automatically fixes photos and uploads them to dotPhoto. With Pictavision software for cell phones, dotPhoto members can view photos from their dotPhoto account. Anyone with a cell phone can email photos to a dotPhoto account.

dotPhoto continues to innovate to improve our customers' experience.

dotPhoto was acquired by Scorpio Photo, Inc. in September, 2016.